Monday, August 31, 2009

INCOME - Helping Our Families Become Money$mart

by Nicole Milbradt, Sr. Marketing Associate & Events Manager

Money doesn't buy happiness. But it sure seems like it makes life easier.

If you know what to do with it.

Many of us don't. And for some families, not knowing simple money management techniques can be devastating.

In early August, United Way of Pierce County brought together community leaders who have been working on economic self-sufficiency to discuss the development of a system to help local families become more financially stable. Money$mart is a concept that focuses on five elements of self-sufficiency. Using a budget, savings, career development, affordable housing and responsible decision making are just some of the things this system would teach local families.

For a family living on a fixed income, learning how to develop a budget could be the key to paying all the bills AND having enough left over for groceries. Money$mart is about helping families in a different way. Rather than providing them with the things they are lacking, Money$mart teaches them how to provide those things for themselves by making better choices.

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